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Event Name:Annual Trivia Night Location:Mayfield West Bowling Club Norris
Avenue Mayfield West
Start Date:27th May 2017Start Time:6:30 PM
End Date:27th May 2017End Time:11:00 PM
Cost for the Event is : $0 per Junior
$10 per Senior Student
$10 per Adult

Our Annual Trivia Night is being held on Saturday 27th May from 6:30pm with first question being read at 7pm.
These nights are always a lot of fun and well supported! There's a few opportunities during the night to win some prizes with Heads and Tails round, coin toss a bottle and our 52 card board.

Theme this year is "RETRO" and there's even a prize for best dressed!!!!

Tickets are $10 with tables of 8. Tickets available from team managers or email!

So now is the time to find the sitter and organise a table we look forward to seeing you there!