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Event Name:Junior Umpiring Mentoring Program Location:University Courts - covered outside
courts by top carpark.
Start Date:18th Mar 2017Start Time:9:00 AM
End Date:18th Mar 2017End Time:11:00 AM
This is a Free Event 

This event is a compulsory training event for 11 yr WNC players.  It is also open to 9 yrs players who are keen to learn more about umpiring. 

This is primarily a theory training session, with some practical examples. Therefore, please bring a pen, a notebook, and a whistle.  Also bring comfortable sports wear.  We will be doing some walking around, but we will NOT be setting up to play any games.

Any questions, please call Amber on 0435 782 193, or Nick on 0467 718 046, or email